The school has initiated to plan necessary action in respect to these warnings and require a system which support to facilitate associated steps. The system shall provide the capability & capacity to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful warning information of the possible extreme events or disasters or any kind of emergency SITUATION, that threatens people’s lives. This shall enable individuals, communities and organizations threatened to prepare and act appropriately, in sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm, loss or risk.
- With the help of continuous observation.
- Hazard hunting in campus and outside of the campus.
- Mock drills, etc. Making suggestion box for safety.
- Tackling with the situations, identifying problems.
- Awareness programs
- Rally
- Poster making
- Mock drills
- Certification from- Fire safety
- Water safety departments
- Making suggestion box for safety.
Risk Knowledge: Risk assessment provides essential information to set priorities for mitigation and prevention strategies and designing Disaster Warning & Response System.
Monitoring and Predicting: Systems with monitoring and predicting capabilities provide timely estimates of the potential risk faced by communities, economies and the environment.
Disseminating Information: Communication systems are needed for delivering warning messages to the potentially affected locations to alert local and regional governmental agencies. The messages need to be reliable, synthetic and simple to be understood by authorities and public.
Response: Coordination, good governance and appropriate action plans are a key point in effective disaster warning. Likewise, public awareness and education are critical aspects of disaster mitigation.
- Put together an emergency communication plan. Know your evacuation routes and designate a meet-up location.
- Assign responsibilities to increase the awareness about Disaster and Dissemination in school.
- Create a plan for special needed persons.
- Post emergency phone numbers in an open and obvious place.